1. First set of 19
reference books in India for CA Inter new course
2. Covers 18000+ solved
examples, sums, theoretical Questions & MCQs helping students to practice
each and every concept throughly
3. Self-explanatory
set of books making self-study easy for students
4. In depth
explanation of each topic.
5. Exhaustive coverage
of syllabus with lot of practical questions with solved solutions in detail.
6. Content explained
using flowcharts, diagrams, tables and charts.
7. Theory explained
in very easy and simple language.
8. Various areas
covered in details which students may face again in final level of CA Course.
9. Vast coverage of
solved questions and examples for through preparation.
10. Unmatched Quality
and Quality of question across India.
11. Cost Effective
(Less than 10%) of the fees charges by various coaching institute across India.